Rachael & Ryan
As the sun sets over the Western Horizon a magnificence exists, especially on the beautiful coast line of Clearwater. This stunning backdrop is the scenery for many lucky couples throughout the year, and every so often there is one extremely special couple – a
couple that has a wedding day that is blessed with rain, and sun. Rachael and Ryan were that lucky couple. As preparations began for their ceremony at Hilton Clearwater it was a windy and rainy day. Preparations were made to move everything indoors (where of course their love would be celebrated and vows exchanged), but just as it was time to start the ceremony the sun began to shine. Rachael strode down the aisle in a beautiful wedding gown to a traditional wedding march. Ryan, who was waiting with a nervous excitment, looked stunning in his grey suit. With Pastor Chris Thomas of Sensational Ceremonies providing a tradtional service Rachael and Ryan exchanged vows on the beautiful sands of Clearwater! We would like to thank Brian C Idocks Photography for sharing the amazing images.

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Chipman! We wish you many years of joy and happiness!