Love Conquers
It’s often been said that “love endures all things”….and that “love never fails”--and “love conquers all.” This was evident as Jason and Mikailea stood together on their wedding day during the "corona quarantine"-- as a testimony of the meaning of "everlasting love. They had planned
Nicole and TJ’s beach wedding plans in mid-April were interrupted by the Covid 19 Crisis … so they decided to use their backyard as their wedding venue! Nicole looked beautiful as she was escorted by each of her sons and nephew in turn, to join TJ
Sara and Jarett’s plans to elope to Savannah, GA were interrupted by the Covid 19 Crisis … so they decided to elope in their home state of Florida in early Spring. In less than a week they obtained their FL Marriage License and chose their
Parent’s Backyard
Jennifer and Joseph’s wedding plans this Spring were interrupted by the Covid 19 Crisis … so before Florida Travel Restrictions and Local State Stay at Home / Safer at Home Guidelines were firmly in place, they decided to drive from South Carolina for an intimate
Quarantine wedding
It’s often been said that “love endures all things”….and that “love never fails”--and “love conquers all”---During this year of cancelled and postponed wedding plans, Steve and Alisa chose to find a way where there seemed to be no way---when their resort venue cancelled their long